PIF: What is a Product Information File ?

Cosmetic PIF (Product Information File) Definition

A PIF (Product Information File) is a large and highly structured dossier containing every piece of information related to a given cosmetic product.

How to Create a Product Information File ?


Where Do I Find the Right Data?

Some of the data comes from:

  • Product manufacturers

Other data comes from :

  • An independent laboratories,
  • A duly qualified safety assessor with degrees recognized by Article §2.

Which Documents and Information Must Be Part of the Cosmetic PIF ?

1. A description of the cosmetic product which enables the product information file to be clearly attributed to the cosmetic product
2. The CPSR part A and B
3. The annexes of the CPSR
4. Formula in raw materials
5. Specification sheet and/or certificate of analysis of the finished product
6. Documentation on each raw material (MSDS, CofA, IFRA and allergen report if applicable)
7. Stability study
8. Microbiological information (challenge tests – microbiological analysis)
9. Information about the packaging material (material description, impurities statement, food contact statement,)
10. Toxicological evaluation with the normal and reasonably foreseeable use, exposure data, MoS calculation, toxicological profile of each substance.
11. Undesirable effects statement
12. Other tests if any
13. The diploma of the safety assessor
14. A description of the method of manufacturing
15. A statement on compliance with good manufacturing practice
16. Where justified by the nature or the effect of the cosmetic product, proof of the effect claimed for the cosmetic product
17. Data on any animal testing on the finished product and on each raw material
18. The labels
19. PIFs must be in English (in case Biorius takes the RP for the UK, french accepted if for EU)

Do you Need Help to Create Your Cosmetic Product Information File (PIF)?

Biorius, Your Regulatory Expert can assist you in many ways concerning your Product Information File (PIF) :

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  • Frédéric Lebreux

    Dr. Frédéric Lebreux is Biorius's Chief Executive Officer and has worked in the cosmetic industry for more than 13 years. He is regularly invited as a speaker or Professor to cosmetic events.

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