Cosmetic Regulatory Software MyApps

The Cosmetic Regulatory Software: MyApps

Biorius My apps Presentation

Biorius My apps

Biorius My apps is our in-house application where you can upload the required documents to start the regulatory study of your products. It is an ultra-secure app that allows you to upload your documents with complete confidence. Limited access can be created if the raw material data is confidential.

On the app, you will be invited to upload the information step by step, starting with your formula and specifying the names of your raw materials. Thanks to our database, some documents related to your raw materials will be automatically generated by the application, making this data exchange task easier. Once the raw material information is added, you can submit the documents related to your finished products and click on “ask a review” so that one of our experts can start the study. During the study, you will have the opportunity to chat with our experts to ask your questions or answer specific questions related to your products.

You will then just need to use My apps as your document management tool, for your products, your raw materials, but also to generate your PIF or to check your ordered services, your workflow, etc.

How MyApps Can Be Your Regulatory Strategic Partner

We understand that entering a new market, obtaining certifications, and developing new ingredients or products can be challenging when your primary goal is to ensure your business’s success.

At Biorius, we believe our mission is to:

  • Reduce the time-to-market for your cosmetic products.
  • Alleviate the regulatory burden on your teams.

MyApps has been crafted with these missions in mind to support you in the best way possible. Additionally, MyApps is a platform set to evolve significantly in the coming years to better meet all your needs.

Joining Biorius and using MyApps is a long-term investment in your company’s success!

Features of MyApps

MyApps already offers a wealth of features designed to make your life easier:

  1. Comprehensive Storage: Store all information for each of your products, including documents, Certificate (CPSR, …), notifications, and more.
  2. Raw Materials Database: Access a database of raw materials, reducing the number of documents you need to upload and speeding up service completion.
  3. PIF Generation: Generate your Product Information File (PIF) with just one click.
  4. INCI List Access: Easily access your International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) list.
  5. Shades Management: Insert and visualize different shades of your product, access the Quali-Quanti view for each shade, and view their INCI lists.
  6. Project Management: Following up with your tasks and messages will be much more effective and professional. You will regularly receive email reminders with the tasks that are pending on your end. Last but not least, you will lead the reviewing process! Once you have submitted all data, push a button and our experts automatically get the task in their planning!

General Features of MyApps

In addition to the above, MyApps offers several general features to ensure security and confidentiality:

  1. Ultra-Secure EDM: MyApps includes an ultra-secure EDM (Electronic Document Management) system, an in-house regulatory tool designed to manage formulas, documents, raw materials, shades, and INCI list generation. It features a comprehensive dashboard that ensures all your regulatory needs are efficiently handled within one secure platform.The use of the “Data Exchange” module is unlimited and free of charge to all our clients. Beyond exchanging data with Biorius, you will see that this system is a real Electronic Document Management system for your products and raw materials.Though MyApps is super user-friendly, you will receive training material to guide you through the IT tool. Furthermore, your dedicated CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) will gladly organize a meeting with you in order to show you the main features of MyApps if necessary.
  2. Confidentiality: Understanding the importance of confidentiality, Biorius ensures that all your sensitive information is protected with the highest security measures. Our system is designed to safeguard your data, maintaining strict confidentiality to protect your business interests.
  3. Cybersecurity: Nowadays, cybersecurity is a key requisite for all companies, especially those dealing with very confidential information like yours: MyApps is very secure by design, and you will now log into the app using a two-factor authentication system.

With MyApps, streamline your regulatory processes and focus on what matters most—growing your business.

  • The whole Biorius team is looking forward to partnering with your company.

  • Please contact your CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) for any questions that you may have.