Responsible Person Cosmetics

Since July 11, 2013, to sell cosmetics in Europe, an EU Responsible Person (RP) with offices in the EU is legally required (Regulation EC No 1223/2009). This person ensures compliance with cosmetics regulations and product safety.

Definition EU Responsible Person

As defined in Article 4 of Regulation EC No 1223/2009, a Responsible Person is a legal or natural person who ensures the compliance of each cosmetic product in the EU market with relevant obligations as set forth in this Regulation. It can be the manufacturer (if based in the EU), the importer, the distributor or a third party located in the EU who has been designated by a written mandate.

Responsibilities Legal Representation

  • Ensure product safety and produce a Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR)
  • Comply with labeling and claims substantiation
  • Adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  • Maintain the Product Information File (PIF)
  • Notify products in the Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP)
  • Manage compliance related to nanomaterials
  • Monitor and report undesirable effects

Biorius Expertise

Founded in 2008, Biorius serves as the Responsible Person for over 300 brands and 10,000 products. Their team of over 40 experts addresses regulatory questions and ensures ongoing compliance. Biorius represents brands, manages complaints, performs regulatory monitoring, and updates Product Information Files.

Benefits of Choosing Biorius:

  • Representation and defense of your brand to authorities
  • Assistance with legal questions related to EU Cosmetics Regulation
  • Regulatory monitoring and compliance assurance
  • Management of undesirable effects and customer complaints

Please pay attention that being a Responsible Person implies many responsibilities and is an important and delicate matter that should not be taken lightly.

Important tips to choose your Responsible Person

The United Kingdom – Brexit and Cosmetics Compliance:

EU and UK Cosmetic Regulations


As of January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom is officially no longer part of the European Union.

Any company marketing or wishing to market cosmetic products in the United Kingdom, therefore, needs to designate a Responsible Person located in the UK.



UK Responsible Person

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As specialists in cosmetic Regulations for more than 15 years, Biorius offers a reliable turnkey solution for placing cosmetic products in various markets:

  • First Class specialists in cosmetic regulations in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and in more than 60 countries
  • 50 regulatory experts, toxicologists, pharmacists, and chemists to serve you.
  • A unique model that guarantees you both the fastest turnaround possible and high-quality services. Curious? Ask us to know more!
  • No hidden costs: Biorius does not charge you for any question, call, or meeting.
  • A best-in-class IT tool, free of charge, and saving a lot of your time.
  • More than 1,500 international clients have already chosen Biorius!
  • We evaluated more than 100,000 products and never had any compliance issues (fines, withdrawals from the market, etc.) in 15 years of existence.

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