EU Responsible Person

Looking for an EU cosmetics Responsible Person ?

Founded in 2008, Biorius serves as the Responsible Person for over 500 brands and 20,000 products. Our team of 50+ multicultural experts has extensive experience with local authorities across the EU. Trust Biorius to provide the expertise and resources your cosmetics company needs.

What is an EU Cosmetics Responsible Person?

To sell cosmetics in Europe since July 11, 2013, having an EU Responsible Person based in the European Union is legally required under Regulation EC No 1223/2009. This regulation mandates that each cosmetic product marketed within the EU must have a designated Responsible Person (RP).

The Responsible Person, also known as the EU Legal Representative or EU Legal Representation, is crucial for ensuring that cosmetic products comply with all relevant regulations and safety standards to protect human health.

Under Article 4 of Regulation EC No 1223/2009, the Responsible Person is a legal or natural entity ensuring that each cosmetic product on the EU market complies with all relevant regulations. This role can be fulfilled by the manufacturer (if they are based in the EU), the importer, the distributor, or a designated third party located in the EU.

Compliance with these obligations is essential for maintaining product safety and regulatory adherence within the European Union.

EU Cosmetics Regulation

Leverage Biorius’s expertise as your EU Responsible Person

Biorius ensures that your cosmetic products comply with Regulation EC No 1223/2009. As your designated Responsible Person within the European Union, Biorius will:

Your cosmetics brand must then use the Biorius name and address on labels, making us the point of contact for local authorities during regulatory inspections or consumer complaints.

Trust Biorius to manage these crucial tasks with expertise.
Looking for a new Responsible Person ?
A change is simpler than you think.

EU Cosmetics Regulation

Read more on the EU Cosmetics Responsible Person obligations

The Responsible Person is in charge of ensuring that cosmetic products marketed in the European Union comply with Regulation EC No 1223/2009. Among the numerous obligations, the Responsible Person for a cosmetic product must ensure:

Additionally, in some EU member states, the Responsible Person must demonstrate the expertise and financial resources to fulfill these duties.

Brexit and Cosmetics Compliance: Any company marketing cosmetic products in the UK must designate a Responsible Person based in the UK.

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As specialists in cosmetic Regulations for more than 15 years, Biorius offers a reliable turnkey solution for placing cosmetic products in various markets:

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