Tag Archives:s EU Cosmetics Regulation

Omnibus Cosmetic Regulation

Omnibus Regulation VII

July 2024: The European Commission notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) the “Omnibus VII” regulation on the 24th of June. The adoption is expected…

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Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR)

Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR): The Guide

June 2024: When you apply your favorite skincare product or cosmetic, have you ever thought about the rigorous safety checks it went through before reaching…

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Nanomaterials future ban

Nanomaterials future ban – important update

August 2023: Nanomaterials future ban: the draft EU Regulation related to the ban of some nanomaterial ingredients in cosmetics described in IL-093 has been updated….

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IFRA 51st amendment

IFRA 51st has been notified

August 2023: The final publication of the IFRA 51st amendment is now out. You can find all the detailed documentation related to this new amendment…

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Omnibus VI Regulation

Omnibus Regulation VI

August 2024: The Omnibus VI Regulation has been published. It consists in a ban in Europe of 30 CMR classified ingredients from cosmetics.   Omnibus…

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EU Cosmetic Regulations

Labelling of additional fragrance allergens

August 2023: New EU allergens labeling regulation:  The European Commission published on the 27th of July 2023 Regulation (EU) 2023/1545 introducing news rules for allergens labeling and 56 new…

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