IFRA 51st amendment

IFRA  51st has been notified

The final publication of the IFRA 51st amendment is now out. You can find all the detailed documentation related to this new amendment on the IFRA website.

It consists in numerous changes like:

  • 1 new interdiction: 3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran (CAS: 10599-70-9) for genotoxicity concern
  • 57 new ingredients limitations by product category: 47 new standards + 10 revised standards
  • New categorizations for some products type (pillow spray, reed diffusers,…)
  • Clarifications regarding unavoidable traces, maximum concentrations calculations for some products,…
  • Presence of the restricted ingredient in Natural Complex Substances (NCS) or other synthetic raw materials gathered into a unique “contribution from other sources” document, with information updated to reflect the knowledge state of the art knowledge

This amendment will enter into force progressively: 

 Date for Standards entering into force for new creationsDate for Standards entering into force for existing creations
IFRA Standard prohibiting the use of ingredients2 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. August 30, 2023)13 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. July 30, ,2024)
IFRA Standards restricting or setting specifications for the use of ingredients9 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. March 30, 2024)28 months after the date of the Notification (i.e. October 30, 2025)

We hope that this will be of help and stay at your disposal for any questions related to this topic. Should you have any question, please, feel free to contact your CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) or contact us directly: info@biorius.com.

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  • Frédéric Lebreux

    Dr. Frédéric Lebreux is Biorius's Chief Executive Officer and has worked in the cosmetic industry for more than 13 years. He is regularly invited as a speaker or Professor to cosmetic events.

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