Biorius - What is a PIF

What is a PIF (Product Information File) ?

The Importance of the Product Information File (PIF)


In the cosmetics industry, regulatory compliance is essential to ensure consumer safety and meet legal requirements. One document crucial for compliance with EU regulations is the Product Information File (PIF). Let’s dive into what a PIF entails and why it’s vital for cosmetic products sold in the European Union.

What Does a Product Information File Include?

A Product Information File is a comprehensive record that contains all necessary details about a cosmetic product. It’s required by Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 to demonstrate that the product is safe before being sold in the EU. This document must be made available to authorities for review when requested.

Some key elements of the PIF are:

  • Product description: A clear summary of the cosmetic product and its intended use.
  • Safety Report: A report that evaluates the safety of the product’s ingredients and formulation, known as the Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR).
  • Manufacturing details: Information about the production process and adherence to good manufacturing practices (GMP).
  • Evidence of claims: Scientific backing for any product claims, such as “moisturizing” or “anti-aging.”
  • Animal testing compliance: Confirmation that the product complies with the EU ban on animal testing, where applicable.

Why Is the PIF So Important?

The Product Information File plays a key role in ensuring that a cosmetic product meets all safety standards and is compliant with EU regulations. Without a valid PIF, a product cannot be legally sold in the EU, and failure to maintain an up-to-date file can result in fines, product recalls, or market bans.

The Responsible Person (RP) designated for the product is tasked with maintaining the PIF and ensuring it complies with the law. This ensures that if a regulatory authority requests the file, the brand can provide it without delay.

Staying Compliant

Keeping a PIF compliant requires ongoing attention, especially when product formulations or regulations change. Companies often seek help from regulatory experts like Biorius to maintain up-to-date files for all their cosmetic products, ensuring continued compliance without disruptions.


The Product Information File is a vital component for any cosmetic product entering the EU market. It not only fulfills regulatory obligations but also helps safeguard consumer trust by demonstrating a commitment to product safety. For brands looking to streamline this process, working with professionals like Biorius can help ensure smooth compliance and allow the business to focus on growth.


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As specialists in cosmetic Regulations for more than 15 years, Biorius offers a reliable turnkey solution for placing cosmetic products in various markets:

  • First Class specialists in cosmetic regulations in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and in more than 60 countries
  • 50 regulatory experts, toxicologists, pharmacists, and chemists to serve you.
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  • More than 1,500 international clients have already chosen Biorius!
  • We evaluated more than 100,000 products and have always successfully managed compliance over 15 years of existence

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    • Christophe Brault-Chevalier

      Christophe Brault-Chevalier is the Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Director at Biorius, bringing over 20 years of experience in the cosmetics industry. He has previously held positions at International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (IFF) and LVMH, further enhancing his expertise in the field.

      View all posts Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Director @ BIORIUS