Since our first inception, preserving the environment was and still remains important to us. This is reflected in the choice of the green color and the waterlily for our logo.
We have some internal initiatives in place already, such as digital sorting, eco-friendly search engine, special attention to our energy usage, and aiming to increase environmental responsibility at our workplace.
But even if the smallest action counts, it was not enough for us.

Early January 2020, we decided to act decisively and implement a project we mulling over for months: offsetting our carbon footprint. The choice of the partner was easy, considering the values we share with Graine de Vie.
Graine de Vie is an NGO involved in the protection and reforestation of primary forests in Madagascar and works in partnership with Madagascar National Parks.
Their action is not only environmental, but also social. Indeed, they employ many collaborators, provide training, raise awareness in schools and villages, and integrate women in order to promote inclusivity.

Becoming Eco-Partner was therefore an obvious choice, enabling us to implement a larger-scale environmental action.
A BIORIUS tree nursery has been created, and we provide subsidies to the NGO to plant trees.
This way, each new order received is supporting the initiative and corresponds to 10 to 100 new trees planted (initiative entirely sponsored by our benefits).
You can check the number of trees already planted since January 2020 directly at the end of this page.