DGCCRF France 2023 - Cosmetics compliance campaigns in the European Union

CPNP Meaning: Decoding the CPNP Notification Portal

The term “CPNP” stands for Cosmetic Products Notification Portal, as defined under the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC No 1223/2009). Since July 11, 2013, the CPNP has been the mandatory online platform for the notification of cosmetic products in the European Union. This detailed overview will delve into the CPNP meaning, its purpose, and the process involved in notifying cosmetic products.

Purpose and Functionality of CPNP


CPNP meaning

Understanding the CPNP meaning involves recognizing its role as a centralized notification system for cosmetic products. This system simplifies the process of launching new cosmetic products in the EU by eliminating the need for additional national notifications. It aligns with Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 to facilitate a unified market access across all 27 EU Member States.


A key aspect of CPNP meaning is that it shifts the regulatory focus from pre-approval to post-market surveillance, emphasizing the responsibilities of the EU-designated Responsible Person. This individual plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, focusing on safety, legality, and scientific validity of cosmetic products.

Regulatory Process Before CPNP Notification


The CPNP is the culmination of a rigorous regulatory process including:

These steps lead to the preparation of the PIF (Product Information File), which contains detailed information about the product sourced from manufacturers, independent laboratories, and safety assessors. The PIF is the document notified through the CPNP, highlighting the depth of the CPNP meaning in regulatory compliance.

Role of the Responsible Person



A Responsible Person is designated for each product notified on the CPNP. Their role is vital in maintaining compliance and updating the PIF as necessary, underscoring their importance in the CPNP framework. The responsibilities require a blend of regulatory knowledge, scientific expertise, and strong communication skills across the EU’s 24 official languages.



Access and Visibility of CPNP


While the CPNP is not accessible to the public, it plays a critical role in providing necessary information to:

  • Competent authorities for effective market surveillance and consumer safety
  • European Poison Control Centers for emergency responses
  • Responsible Persons and distributors managing product notifications

Additionally, the CPNP meaning in consumer safety is reflected in the requirement for product labels to include the contact details of the notifier, which aids consumers in the event of adverse reactions.

Impact of Brexit on Cosmetic Notifications


EU and UK Cosmetic Regulations

Post-Brexit, the UK has established its own notification system, the SCPN (Submit Cosmetic Product Notification), creating a distinction from the EU’s CPNP. The CPNP meaning has evolved in this context, indicating the need for new notifications if there is a change in the Responsible Person in the UK, unlike in the EU.




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As specialists in cosmetic Regulations for more than 15 years, Biorius offers a reliable turnkey solution for placing cosmetic products in various markets:

  • First Class specialists in cosmetic regulations in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and in more than 60 countries
  • 50 regulatory experts, toxicologists, pharmacists, and chemists to serve you.
  • A unique model that guarantees you both the fastest turnaround possible and high-quality services. Curious? Ask us to know more!
  • No hidden costs: Biorius does not charge you for any question, call, or meeting.
  • A best-in-class IT tool, free of charge, and saving a lot of your time.
  • More than 1,500 international clients have already chosen Biorius!
  • We evaluated more than 100,000 products and never had any compliance issues (fines, withdrawals from the market, etc.) in 15 years of existence.

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  • Frédéric Lebreux

    Dr. Frédéric Lebreux is Biorius's Chief Executive Officer and has worked in the cosmetic industry for more than 13 years. He is regularly invited as a speaker or Professor to cosmetic events.

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