BACK TO 2018…

2018 was a successful year for BIORIUS full of developments and meetings.


Always seeking to innovate, BIORIUS created a new expert IT system that enables us to improve the project management. This new system speeds up the evaluation process and makes it more reliable. 

Moreover, BIORIUS bought a French competitor called CERT. This acquisition improves our production deadlines and enables us to offer new services.


BIORIUS was very happy to meet clients, prospective ones or partners thanks to exhibitions we took part in during the year. In total, BIORIUS participated in 14 exhibitions all over the world. These meetings were very enriching for our team so we plan to do the same again next year.


2018 was also a year full of regulatory changes.

The main changes were the following :

  • Restriction of D4 and D5: European Regulation restricted the use of D4 and D5 to 0.1% in wash-off products.
  • Regulation of O-Phenylphenol and its derivatives: European Regulators decided to further regulate these ingredients.
  • Approval of the Nano form of MBBT: A new regulation has been published to simplify the use of nano MBBT.
  • Regulation of Tagetes (erecta, minuta, patula) in the EU: A new piece of legislation was published to regulate the use of Tagetes in cosmetics intended for the European market.
  • BREXIT: The departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union has a lot of consequences for the cosmetic sector.


  • Frédéric Lebreux

    Dr. Frédéric Lebreux is Biorius's Chief Executive Officer and has worked in the cosmetic industry for more than 13 years. He is regularly invited as a speaker or Professor to cosmetic events.

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