2008年に設立されたBIORIUSグループは、主に化粧品業界で活動しており、その優れた科学的・薬事的サービスに定評がある。 世界規模で事業を展開するBIORIUSは、多くの大企業や象徴的なブランドを含む、何百もの化粧品会社と提携している。 BIORIUSはその卓越性を追求する結果、急成長を遂げ、常に新しい刺激的な課題に取り組むために、優秀な毒物学者、規制の専門家、プロジェクトマネージャー&アカウントマネージャー、営業担当者、生態毒性学者、化学者、ITスペシャリスト…を必要としています!
以下のリストの中に、あなたの夢の仕事が見つからない? これは問題ではない。 経験豊富なプロフェッショナルで、素晴らしい会社に入りたいとお考えの方は、履歴書をjob@biorius.comまでお送りください。
BIORIUSグループは創設以来急速に発展し、毎年2桁の成長を誇っている。 最初の拡大はアメリカをターゲットにしたもので、その後徐々に他の市場もターゲットにしていった。 韓国での活動展開に重要な投資を行った後、ビオリウスは2020年に日本市場を調査し、化学法規分野の専門知識を強化した。 営業チームを強化するため、ビオリアスは新しいカスタマー・リレーションシップ・マネージャー(CRM)を募集しています。
CRMはマルチリンガルで、営業管理、商談交渉、プロスペクション活動、商用問い合わせのフォローアップ、顧客プロジェクトの適切なフォローアップ(BIORIUSの専門家が作成したドキュメントのタイムリーな納品、事務的・商業的フォローアップ、顧客とのコミュニケーション強化を含む)を担当します。 急成長中の企業で、さまざまな文化を持つ国際的な見込み客や顧客と直接接する、やりがいのあるエキサイティングなポジションです。
この職務には、優れた英語力(話し言葉と書き言葉)、優れた整理整頓能力、時間管理能力、柔軟性、プレッシャーへの対応能力が求められます。 そのため、このポジションに就くには、素早い学習能力と自発性も重要な鍵となる。 共感と理解のセンスもこのポジションには必須だ。
- 積極的な顧客開拓のスキルを持ち、インターネット、電話、各種イベントでのネットワーキングを通じて、顧客アカウントのさらなる開拓に貢献する。
- 見込み客からの依頼に、自信を持って対応できる。 ERPやCRMの使用に慣れている。
- 世界中の企業と契約交渉を行い、常に新しい潜在市場を開拓する。
- 顧客のニーズを評価し、適切な提案を行うことができる。
- 成功した候補者は、世界中のイベントや見本市で会社を適切に代表することができます。 コミュニケーション能力に優れ、できれば数カ国語に堪能であることが望ましい。 特定した見込み客と効果的にネットワークを構築できる。
- 潜在的な見込み客や顧客の疑問や期待に応え、未解決の顧客ニーズをよりよく理解するために、規制部門と効果的な関係を築く。 クライアントのプロジェクトの適切なフォローアップ(バイオリウスの専門家が作成したドキュメントのタイムリーな納品、事務的・商業的フォローアップ、クライアントとのコミュニケーション強化を含む)を確実に行う。
- 商学部、マーケティング学部、経済学部卒業者(修士号取得者優遇)。 しかし、科学の素養は稀有で貴重な財産かもしれない。
- 2~6年のB2B(プレミアム)サービスの営業経験が必須。 化粧品セクターにおける規制コンサルティングサービスの経験は、顕著な財産となる。
- 結果を重視し、顧客志向で、交渉力に長け、説得力のあるコミュニケーションができる方を求めています。
- 成功する候補者は自律的であり、それにもかかわらず優れたチームプレーヤーである。 整理整頓のセンスが必要だ。
- 成功する候補者は、気概があり、ストレスに強く、柔軟性があり、非常に熱心で、変化に容易に適応できる。 物覚えが早く、チャレンジ精神旺盛な方
- 英語とフランス語での会話と筆記ができること。 他の言語ができればなおよい。
- BIORIUSを代表して展示会に参加し、出張する意欲のある方(勤務時間の約15%)。
- Microsoft Office Suiteを効果的に使用できる方。 ERP/CRMソフトウェアの使い方を知っていることは重要な資産である。
- 給与は経験により応相談。
- 国の慣行に沿った魅力的な法定外パッケージ
ご興味のある方は、履歴書と応募書類をEメールにて までお送りください。 候補者は随時審査される。
BIORIUSグループは創設以来急速に発展し、毎年2桁の成長を誇っている。 最初の拡大はアメリカをターゲットにしたもので、その後徐々に他の市場もターゲットにしていった。 韓国での活動展開に重要な投資を行った後、ビオリウスは2020年に日本市場を調査し、医療機器と化学法規の分野における専門知識を強化した。
化粧品ビジネスの動向や日本企業に寄せられる数多くの問い合わせは、日本市場が多くの可能性を秘めていることを示している。 2021年、日本の美容産業が生み出した収益は370億ドルで、世界第3位の化粧品市場となった。 2015年以来、この輸出活動は219.1%増加しており、日本は世界で最もダイナミックな化粧品市場となっている。
ストラテジック・ビジネス・ディベロッパーはセールス・マネージャーの直属となり、セールス・チームと密接に連携します。 活動を開始する際、戦略的ビジネス・デベロッパーは、営業担当者(最初の顧客を獲得する)としての役割と、アカウント・マネージャー(日本の顧客のプロジェクト管理と全体的な満足を確保する)としての役割の両方を果たす必要がある。 既存の日本人顧客は戦略的ビジネス・デベロッパーに移管される。
- ストラテジック・ビジネス・ディベロッパーは商業的スキルを持ち、日本語でのコミュニケーションに優れています。 国際見本市や展示会に定期的に参加し、日本の見込み客や顧客と交流する。 日本企業と商談をするためには、日本文化を熟知し、日本の伝統に則った行動をとる必要がある。
- ストラテジック・ビジネス・ディベロッパーは、日本の化粧品ブランドのポートフォリオを管理し、プロジェクトの適切なフォローアップ(BIORIUSのエキスパートが作成したドキュメントのタイムリーな納品、事務的・商業的なフォローアップ、クライアントとのコミュニケーションの強化など)を行います。
- ストラテジック・ビジネス・ディベロッパーは日本の化粧品市場を熟知しており、薬事に関する基本的なスキルを有しています。 常にクライアントの満足を考えて行動する。
- 日本語(母国語)と英語に堪能な方。
- 商学部、マーケティング学部、経営学部、経済学部を卒業していることが望ましい。 しかし、科学の素養は稀有で貴重な財産かもしれない。
- B2Bプレミアム・サービスの営業経験が数年以上あること。 化粧品セクターにおける規制コンサルティングサービスの経験は、顕著な財産となる。
- 優秀な応募者は、仕事も学習も速く、優先順位と整理整頓のセンスに優れ、柔軟性があり、あらゆる状況に迅速に対応できる。 単独でもチームでも仕事ができる。
- 給与は経験により応相談。
- モビリティ・パッケージ。
- エコ・バウチャー。
- 業務用およびプライベート用の契約付き社用携帯電話。
- 仕事用およびプライベート用のノートパソコン+自宅の固定電話とインターネットを支給。
- DKV入院保険+歯科医療保険。
- 3~4日間のホームワーク+ホームワーク費用の払い戻し。
- 部門別年間ボーナス
About the position (Preferably St Malo – France, Toulouse – France or Manage – Belgium)
The group BIORIUS develops fast since its creation and is proud of its annual two-digit growth. An initial expansion targeted the USA and was progressively followed by other markets. After important investments in the development of its activities in Korea, Biorius investigated in 2020 the Japanese Market and strengthened its expertise in the field of Medical Devices and Chemical Legislations. In order to reinforce its Sales team, Biorius is looking for a new Sales Representative who would focus on French-speaking markets.
The Sales Representative is, in this case, a French-speaking person in charge of the management of sales, commercial negotiations, prospection actions and the follow-up of commercial enquiries. This is a challenging and exciting position in a fast-growing company in direct contact with all types of prospects in Belgium, Canada, France, Luxemburg, Switzerland and other French-speaking countries. The Sales Representative is responsible for acquiring new customers, by defining their needs and drafting the adequate service offer to meet them.
This role requires excellent spoken and written French, a very good sense of organization and time management, flexibility, and the ability to handle pressure. Therefore, fast learning aptitudes and self-motivation are also key to hold this position. A sense of empathy and understanding is also a must for this position.
The position implies planning and attendance of various commercial events.
About the profile
- The successful candidate has skills in active prospection and contributes to developing further the customer accounts through the internet, the phone, and networking at various events.
- The successful candidate handles prospect’s requests with ease and confidence. He/she is used to using ERP and CRM.
- The successful candidate negotiates contracts with companies all over the world and constantly explores new potential markets.
- The successful candidate evaluates customer needs and is able to make sound recommendations.
- The successful candidate can properly represent the company in events, trade shows, and prospection meetings. His / her communication skills are excellent and he/she can effectively network with identified prospects.
- The successful candidate builds effective relationships with the Regulatory and Account Management Departments to address potential prospect’s questions and expectations and to help better understand unanswered customer needs.
About the candidate
- The successful candidate is preferably graduated in commerce, marketing or economy (University Master degree preferred). Though, a background in science may be a rare and valuable asset.
- 2-6 years of experience in the sales of B2B (premium) services is a must. An experience in regulatory consulting services in the cosmetic sector is a remarkable asset.
- The successful candidate is result-driven, client-oriented, and a strong & persuasive communicator with good negotiation skills.
- The successful candidate is autonomous and, nevertheless, an excellent team-player. A good sense of organization is needed.
- The successful candidate has grit, is truly stress-resistant, flexible, extremely enthusiastic and can easily adapt to change. He/she is a fast learner and like challenges
- The successful candidate must be able to speak and write in French. Proficiency in English and/or another language may be a plus.
- The successful candidate is willing to travel and represent BIORIUS in trade shows (about 15% of working time… in normal years).
- The successful candidate can effectively use the Microsoft Office Suite. Knowing the use of an ERP/CRM software is an important asset.
About the offer
- A competitive salary to be negotiated depending on your experience.
- An attractive extra-legal package in line with the practices of the country
Interested candidates should send their CV and application letter by email to Candidatures will be examined as they are received.
About the profile (Preferably Toulouse – France or Manage – Belgium, St Malo – France)
The selected candidate will be part of the Chemical Legislation, scientific and regulatory department, and report to its Director.
Main responsibilities include customer interactions in the area of EU chemical regulations, mainly REACH but also CLP, BPR and detergent regulations. Chemical Legislation services operate on a start-up mode and the candidate will be required to perform varied tasks and need to be highly reactive, versatile, and with excellent adaptation capacity. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset will be key to succeed in this position where new procedures and services are still to be developed.
Beyond the teamwork necessary within the department, the selected candidate will build effective relationships with the Account Managers and the commercial department to address clients’ questions and expectations.
About the candidate
- The successful applicant holds a master in toxicology, ecotoxicology, biomedical sciences, pharmacy, or any master’s degree partly or entirely dedicated to human health and/or environmental health. All these degrees must be valid in Belgium, France, or in the UK.
- Three to six years of professional experience in the field of regulatory toxicology is a must. The successful candidate must have a solid background in ecotoxicology and/or human toxicology and experience in regulatory affairs.
- The successful candidate will need to be familiar with CLP at minima but practical knowledge in some of the following European regulatory processes REACH registrations, OECD toxicological studies, MSDS, labelling review, biocide registration, or detergence compliance is required. Experience with regulations in other zones (USA, Canada, Korea, China, Japan, etc…) is a plus.
- A collaborative working style and an ability to quickly adapt to / tackle new subjects is necessary. The successful applicant will bring his/her dynamism and initiative to help build a new range of services.
- Good communication skills in English (oral and written) are required. Communication skills in French (or in another language) are a plus.
About the offer
A competitive compensation and benefits package will be offered based on the candidate experience.
The preferred localization is Toulouse (France). Manage (Belgium) or Saint-Malo (France) are possible alternatives.
Interested candidates should send their CV and application letter by email to Candidatures will be examined as they are received.
The Raw material specialist works with the Scientific and Regulatory Department in technical tasks related to its activities.
The Raw material specialist creates, organizes and structures all the information related to raw materials and makes it available in the internal database to regulatory experts. He/She guarantees any regulatory information related to ingredients and raw materials used is implemented in the worldwide chemical and cosmetics regulations database, including REACH. The Raw material specialist is in charge of data integrity and relevance, raw material and finished product’s compositions.
This position requires excellent organizational skills, flexibility and a great sense of service.
About the profile
- The successful candidate will be responsible for:
- Analyzing the quality of raw materials documents received
- Contacting clients for technical data collection
- Inserting raw materials and / or substances information and relevant documentation in IT business tool.
- Updating data following regulations or documentations changes
- The successful candidate will manage a variety of tasks on a daily basis requiring strong organizational skills in order to follow up on files with rigor and precision while respecting the expected quality and deadlines.
- The successful candidate will be the primary contact person for internal clients (Account Managers, Regulatory Experts and Toxicologists) and external clients for all questions and requests related to the raw materials documentation and products information.
- The successful candidate is able to empathize and will always look for solutions to help and support colleagues in the completion of their projects.
- The successful candidate has a good knowledge of cosmetic regulatory affairs and cosmetic and personal care ingredients.
The Ideal Candidate
- The ideal candidate has an excellent knowledge of the EU cosmetic regulation (EC) 1223/2009 and its requirements. Knowledge of international cosmetics regulations is a plus.
- Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science (Chemistry, Biology, Medical Sciences, …) with a specialization in cosmetics is a plus.
- Proven experience as regulatory officer in the cosmetic industry or raw materials industry is a plus
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to work in both English and French. Any other language is considered a bonus.
- Proficient in Office applications and programs. Ability to learn quicky and work with new computer systems.
- Ability to prioritize with excellent organizational skills, flexibility and versatility to adapt to all situations while remaining accurate and thorough.
- Ability to work within a team and / or independently.
Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter to Applications will be reviewed when received.
About the position (Manage – Belgium, St Malo – France, Toulouse – France)
The Technical Data Officer assists the Scientific and Regulatory Department in technical and administrative tasks related to its activities. In addition to the administrative aspects, the Technical Data Officer organizes, structures and coordinates the retrieval of information for the Experts, as well as making it available in the Business IT tool. He/she ensures the optimal monitoring of the completeness of expert reports within the given deadlines and guarantees that the quality of the documents is complying with the regulations in force.
This position requires a very good sense of organization, flexibility and a great sense of service.
The Technical Data Officer is the guarantor of the integrity and relevance of the information in the business database.
About the profile
- The successful candidate will be responsible for:
- Updating the business database
- Contacting customers for technical data collection
- Analyzing the quality of documents received
- The successful candidate will manage a variety of tasks on a daily basis requiring excellent organizational skills in order to follow up on files with rigor and precision while respecting the expected quality and deadlines.
- The successful candidate will be the primary contact person for internal customers (Account Managers, Regulatory Experts and Toxicologists) and external customers for all questions/requests related to the product documentation.
- The successful candidate is able to empathize and will always look for solutions to help and support colleagues in the completion of their projects.
- The successful candidate has a good knowledge of cosmetic regulatory affairs.
About the candidate
- The successful candidate has an excellent command (written and spoken) of English and French. Knowledge of another language is a plus.
- The successful candidate must be proficient in Office applications and programs. Ability to quickly learn new computer systems.
- The successful candidate may hold a Bachelor’s degree in sciences or in administrative studies.
- Previous work experience in a similar role is desirable.
- The successful candidate must have excellent prioritization and organization skills, flexibility and versatility to adapt to all situations while remaining accurate and thorough.
- The successful candidate is able to work in a team environment or independently.
About the offer
- A competitive salary to be negotiated depending on your experience.
Interested candidates should send their CV and application letter by email to Candidatures will be examined as they are received.
About the Position Toulouse (FR), Wavre (BE), Saint-Malo (FR), or anywhere in Belgium, France, or the UK
The successful candidate will be part of the Chemistry Regulations, Scientific and Regulatory Department and report to the Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Director.
The candidate’s main responsibility will be customer interactions within the scope of EU Biocidal products regulation (BPR). The candidate will oversee the constitution and submission of Biocide products authorizations dossiers and answer any demands from our clients regarding Biocide regulations (EU and beyond).
Our chemistry regulations service is currently operating in start-up mode, therefore, in addition to the successful candidate’s biocide products responsibilities the candidate will also be required to perform varied tasks related to REACH, CLP, detergent and GPSD regulations and will need to be highly reactive, versatile, and able to adapt quickly. Initiative and entrepreneur skills will be key to develop new procedures and services.
Beyond the teamwork necessary within the scientific and regulatory department, the successful candidate will build effective relationships with the Account Managers and the commercial department to address clients’ questions and expectations.
The Ideal Candidate
- The ideal candidate will hold a master’s degree in toxicology, ecotoxicology, biomedical sciences, pharmacy, or any master’s degree partly or entirely dedicated to human health and/or environmental health. Degrees must be valid in Belgium, France, or in the UK.
- Three to six years proven professional experience in the field of biocide regulation is required. A solid background in toxicology and an in-depth knowledge of ecotoxicology is considered a plus.
- In addition to his/her biocide products background the ideal candidate will be familiar with CLP at minima. Practical knowledge is required in some or all the following European regulatory processes: REACH registrations, OECD toxicological studies, MSDS, labelling review or detergence compliance. Experience with regulations in other zones (USA, Canada, Korea, China, Japan, etc…) is a plus.
- A collaborative working style and ability to quickly adapt to new subjects is necessary. The successful candidate will have to tackle new subjects and bring their dynamism and initiative to help build a new range of services.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to work in English is a must. Any other language is considered a bonus.
About the Salary Package
- A competitive package will be offered based on the candidate’s experience.
- The preferred localization is Toulouse (France), Wavre (Belgium) or Saint-Malo (France) or other localization in France or Belgium are possible alternatives.
Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter to Applications will be reviewed when received.
About the Position
Among other objectives, the European Cosmetics Regulation intends to protect consumers against misleading marketing communications. Over time, the legal requirements framing what can be communicated and how became increasingly complex along with scientific progress and making claims both compliant and attractive to consumers has never been so difficult. For this reason, BIORIUS developed a team specialized in that domain. The main objective of this team is to reconcile compliance and business effectiveness.
The Claims and Efficacy Team is recruiting a Claims and Efficacy Specialist to strengthen its capacities in the review and development of compliant and performant product names, product labels, websites, advertisements, etc. The Claims and Efficacy Specialist is in direct contact with cosmetic brands and help them reach their marketing objectives while reducing their business risks. The Claims Specialist is expected to work also on scientific consultancy, as well as surveilling regulatory requirements and being constantly up-to-date on trends in the beauty sector.
The Claims and Efficacy Specialist works daily with the Marketing Communications Team Leader, who ensures the constant improvement of team’s capacities and the harmonization of Specialist’ practices. The Claims and Efficacy Specialist also works with the Account Managers, who are responsible for the project management of orders passed by cosmetic brands, and the Specialist of other teams (Safety Assessment, Raw Materials & Database Integrity, Regulatory Affairs / International Regulatory Affairs). Although Claims and Efficacy Specialist have a fairly large independence in their function, they must work as a team-member and consider the customer experience and customer satisfaction as an obsession.
This function requires curiosity, intelligence, a great sense of flexibility/adaptability, and taste for the detail. Claims and Efficacy Specialists assess a situation, evaluate business risks, and communicate about them, and are a real source of alternative proposal bearing in mind customer expectations. Claims and Efficacy Specialists understand that the evaluation of claims is rather related to interpretation of the regulation than to a black and white decision.
About the Successful Candidate
- A master’s degree in sciences is preferred. A master’s degree in another domain may be acceptable depending on the professional experience and aptitudes of the candidate.
- A minimum of 2 years of experience practicing claims and scientific marketing communications review. However, candidates with excellent academic records, extraordinary aptitudes, and motivation but no professional experience in that domain may qualify for the position.
- An excellent level of English (written and spoken).
- A client-oriented and solution-oriented mindset.
About the Salary Package
A competitive salary and an extra-legal package in line with country practices.
Interested candidates should send their CV and application letter to Candidatures will be examined as they are received.
About the Position
The Project Manager Digital Transformation leads the execution – from initial concept to delivery – of a wide variety of digital transformation projects across all business units of the BIORIUS Group. Projects typically include IT developments as varied as the creation, improvement, and maintenance of tailor-made applications for various business units and teams, but also improvements of the BIORIUS website, its ERP system, its CRM, etc.
On a daily basis, the Project Manager Digital Transformation:
- Ensure the evaluation and the selection of new IT services providers.
- Manage the working relationship with all IT services providers and work constantly on the optimization of the development methodologies.
- Organize and animate groups of key users in view to understand their needs in all their subtlety.
- Draft sophisticated project briefs and specifications bearing in mind the cost-effectiveness of these developments, the competitive advantages that they generate and the productivity gains that they allow. Propose creative solutions when it appears necessary.
- Once approved, share clear technical expectations with the IT services providers.
- Ensure the proper follow-up of all digital transformation projects and be accountable for the respect of specifications.
- Ensure that the newly developed applications are properly tested, debugged, maintained, hosted, secured, etc.
The Project Manager Digital Transformation at BIORIUS does not “just” coordinate. He / She is prepared to handle various roles from business analyst to system tester while setting up the IT tools. He / She maintains excellent relationships with the directors and managers to ensure that the projects are properly and timely delivered.
About the Successful Candidate
- A master’s degree in IT is required.
- Minimum 5 years of relevant experience as a project manager where the candidate successfully implemented various IT/automation projects.
- An excellent level of English (written and spoken).
- Positive attitude, digitally savvy and a keen user of technology, critical thinker and detail-oriented, strong analytical skills, team-player with demonstrated ability to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders, problem-solver, results-oriented, accountable.
About the Salary Package
- A competitive salary and an extra-legal package in line with country practices.
Interested candidates should send their CV and application letter to Candidatures will be examined as they are received.
こちらのフォームにご記入いただくか、 まで直接お問い合わせください!
- ヨーロッパ、イギリス、アメリカ、そして60カ国以上における化粧品規制の第一級スペシャリスト
- 50名の規制専門家、毒物学者、薬剤師、化学者がお客様にサービスを提供します。
- 最短の納期と高品質のサービスの両方を保証する独自のモデル。ご興味がおありですか?もっと詳しくお知りになりたい方はお問い合わせください!
- 隠れたコストはありません: ビオリアスは、ご質問、お電話、打ち合わせに一切費用をいただきません。
- クラス最高のITツールを無料でご利用いただけます。
- すでに1,500社以上の海外のお客様がビオリアスを選んでいます!
- 私たちは10万以上の製品を評価し、15年間一度もコンプライアンス問題(罰金、市場からの撤退など)を起こしたことはありません。